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中国材料名师讲坛第115讲——南方科技大学叶林 教授



叶林,南方科技大学系统设计与智能制造学院讲席教授, 1987年于北京航空航天大学获得博士学位。1990年获德国亚历山大洪堡基金會研究奖金赴德国凯撒斯劳滕大学复合材料研究所工作。1992年应聘为澳大利亚悉尼大学机械工程系讲师,此后在悉尼大学历任高级讲师、Reader、教授、学院院长、先进材料技术中心主任等

葉林教授是複合材料研究領域公認享有國際聲譽和學術地位的學科帶頭人。葉林教授的研究涉及高性能複合材料力學的諸多領域,包括先進複合材料、智能材料與結構、納米材料及納米增強複合材料、結構完整性及耐久性。葉林教授在先進複合材料和功能材料的基礎研究和技術開發領域均做出了傑出的貢獻,獲得了世界範圍內的廣泛認可。鑒于葉林教授在先進複合材料等領域的傑出貢獻和影響力,2004年獲得德國洪堡基金會的Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel研究獎。2005年,爲表彰葉林教授爲澳大利亞航空航天工業複合材料和智能材料領域的傑出貢獻,當選澳大利亞工程院(ATSE)院士(FTSE)。


Additive manufacturing of continuous fiber composites using fused filament fabrication


Fused filament fabrication (FFF) has been extensively studied in recent years because of its capability for manufacturing continuous fiber composite parts. The successful fabrication of high quality continuous fiber composite parts using FFF is secured by completion of a few key mechanisms such as precise deposition of a filament and fusion between a depositing filament and filaments deposited in previous steps, while the fusion is modulated by two key mechanisms, i.e., “intimate contact” and “autohesion”. This presentation summarizes some recent results on additive manufacturing of comtinuous CF/PA composites. A mechanistic model is developed to describe “intimate contact” and “autohesion” processes during the “interlaminar” deposition mode, equipped with parameters such as surface profile of depositing filament, temperature of depositing head, contact duration between filaments, contact pressure between filaments, while the latter is measured by a high precision 3D dynamometer instrumented on the 3D printing platform. It is concluded that a high quality pre-impregnated filament of a precise diameter and high precision deposition of the filament in a defined path with a tailored processing window of deposition temperature, depositing speed, and deposition pressure are the keys for the successful fabrication of high quality continuous fiber composite parts using FFF.
